
时间:2009-10-24 12:55:38 来源:英语学习网站


Mrs. X: As you can see, I have attached a list of basic house rules.

Annie: Hello, Manolo.

Mrs. X: We believe it's important to maintain some sense of structure in our home for Grayer's sake. Rule number one: Grayer and his playmates are never allowed in the master bedroom.

Annie: Oops.

Mrs. X: Of course, you should refrain from entering our bedroom as well. Rule number two: Grayer is never allowed to nap during the day.

Annie: No naps?

Mrs. X: This throws his sleeping schedule completely off. And I prefer him tired when I get home. Rule number three: We just had the walls redone.

Annie: Mmhm.

Mrs. X: Please keep Grayer from rubbing up against them.

Annie: Oh!

Mrs. X: Rule number four: If school is ever canceled, the following nonstructured outings are permissible...the Met, the Morgan Library, the French Culinary Institute, the New York Stock Exchange. Rule number five:

Annie: Rule number five!

Mrs. X: We do not take the subway because of germs.

Annie: Oh God.

Mrs. X: Rule number six: Grayer still must be in a stroller when crossing Park or Madison.

Annie: Blah blah blah.

Mrs. X: Rule number seven: Grayer maintains a highsoy organic diet. Rule number eight: Practice French with Grayer at least three times a week. His father wants him to attend Collegiate where he's currently waitlisted.

Annie: French? Holy merde.

Mrs. X: His acceptance is a top priority.

Annie: Mon Dieu.

1. Manolo: 即Manolo Blahnik,著名女鞋品牌,价格昂贵。影片中Annie一边读着Mrs. X给她的规则清单,一边偷偷试穿Mrs. X的名贵鞋子。
2. master bedroom: 主卧室。相对地,客房就是guest room。
3. refrain from doing sth.: 避免做某事。影片中Mrs. X让Annie也尽量不要进主卧室。
请看例句:Refrain from using such coarse language. 别使用这样的粗俗的语言
4. throw off: 使慌乱,使出错。影片中Mrs. X指午睡会打乱Grayer的睡眠规律。
看一下例句:The jeers threw the performers off. 喝倒彩使演员们惊慌失措。
5. germ: 细菌,病菌。因为地铁上细菌比较多,所以Mrs. X一家不乘坐地铁。germ还有"起源,萌芽"的意思。
请看例句:It's just the germ of an idea, but something may come out of it. 这只是个初步的想法,但是也许能有所成就。
6. stroller: 手推童车
7. waitlist: 把......列入等候者(或申请人等)名单。影片中Mr.X希望让他的儿子受到最好的教育,所以早早地就把他列入了大学申请人的名单。
例句:All they could do was to waitlist us for the afternoon flight.
8. holy merde: <法>相当于英语中的holy shit。
9. Mon Dieu: <法>相当于英语中的My God。

