
研究:女性更易双性恋2015-09-06 16:27:26
Women are 'more likely to be bisexual than men'


Women are more likely to be bisexual than men, a study has found.研究表明,女性比男性更容易成为双性恋。The poll of more than
iPad将在数年内被淘汰?2015-09-06 16:26:13
This is why the iPad may be obsolete in a few years


Although the iPad is the current leader in the tablet market, accounting for 24.5% of all tablet sales, its market sha
威廉王子为女王自传作序2015-09-06 16:25:02
Prince William pays tribute to the Queen's 'life of service'


Prince William has written movingly of the "example and continuity" provided by the Queen throughout the turbu
捍卫我们的生日歌2015-09-02 11:59:23
Battle for birthday song


It is perhaps the most performed song in the world. A birthday party wouldn’t be complete without participants joyously belting out the song aroun
研究揭示手机用户解锁图形设置习惯2015-09-02 11:58:17
Beware, your lock screen passcode probably isn't very secure


We all know that passwords such as ‘12345’ and ‘password1’ are far from secu
他是奇葩?他可能真的会成为美国总统!2015-09-02 11:57:19
Everything we bash Donald Trump for is actually what we seek in leaders


In the spring of 2014, I turned in a book manuscript about leadership that, because o
无与伦比的快乐2015-09-01 12:30:41
Unbeatable fun


Most people prefer to stay in their comfort zones, doing things they are good at. But there is a group of gamers that takes the opposite path, choosing instead excr
听说"豆芽花"发卡已席卷成都2015-09-01 12:29:38
Quirky floral 'antenna hairpins' are the new must-have accessory for trendy Chinese


When it comes to fashion, just about anything goes. Citizens in Chengdu, the capita
迪士尼乐园风靡全球的4个商业秘密2015-09-01 12:28:14
4 things businesses can learn from Disneyland


When you think of Disneyland DIS -0.03% , what is the first thing that comes to mind? Kids? Happiness? Mickey Mouse
表情符号也可以做密码?2015-09-01 12:27:21
UK firm launches emoji alternative to Pin codes Emoji


A British company has launched an emoji alternative to the traditional four-digit Pin code commonly used for accessin
边开车边充电?英国将测试电动车无线充电公路2015-09-01 12:26:19
The U.K. Is Testing Roads That Recharge Your Electric Car As You Drive


When the Roman poet Catullus wrote about devouring the road, he meant it as a me
通用电气为何要摒弃绩效评估?2015-09-01 12:25:07
Here's why GE is replacing performance reviews with an app


General Electric, the eighth highest-rank company in the Fortune 500, is getting rid of annual performanc
刘慈欣:中国的亚瑟·克拉克2015-09-01 12:24:00
China's Arthur C. Clarke


Liu Cixin, China's most popular science-fiction writer, is 52 years old and has written thirteen books. He worked as a software engineer
熊孩子“骚扰”小公鸡致死 全家面临全英动物园禁令2015-09-01 12:22:52
Family face ban from every ZOO in UK after children 'harassed cockerel to death'

熊孩子“骚扰”小公鸡致死 全家面临全英动物园禁令

A family is facing a ban from every zoo in the country
亚马逊是邪恶王国,还是改造世界的良心企业?2015-09-01 12:21:56
Amazon: Dystopian nightmare, or just another successful tech company?


If you’ve been following the technology press over the past few days, you
9支最值得买入的500强股票2015-09-01 12:20:45
These are the 9 best Fortune 500 stocks to buy


The Fortune 500 rankings tell you a lot about the biggest American companies, but nothing about which of them have the mo
《十二道锋味》为什么那么火?2015-09-01 12:18:57
TV’s fresh flavor


Where food programs once turned chefs into stars, The Twelve Feng Taste (《十二道锋味》) turns stars into chefs. Hosted by singer-actor Nicho
匿名畅聊新应用,如厕不孤单2015-09-01 12:17:42
'Pooductive' app lets people sitting on the toilet chat anonymously to other bathroom users


It is certainly a unique idea - an anonymous app that lets you chat from th
这家奇特的初创公司获得了蒂姆·库克投资2015-08-28 15:42:43
Tim Cook invested in the strangest startup


Apple CEO Tim Cook and the Schmidt Family Foundation, founded by Alphabet (formerly Google) executive cha
片刻享有你的专属珠宝2015-08-28 15:41:20
Jewelry in a flash


You can’t always trust your eyes in the fashion world. A girl wearing a delicate gold bracelet may just be decked out with flash tattoos, a trendy t
你造吗?纸牌和扫雷其实是教学游戏2015-08-28 15:40:13
How Solitaire and Minesweeper were created in the 90s to 'trick' users into learning to use a mouse


Before Angry Birds and Candy Crush, there was Solitaire and M
为何人民币贬值可能推升美国通胀2015-08-27 21:32:49
How China’s currency devaluation could raise prices in the U.S.


China devalued its currency for the third consecutive day Thursday, a drop of 1.1% from Wedn
梦龙乐队:摇滚回归2015-08-27 21:31:46
Dragons’ return


The odds of becoming a success in the music industry are slim, and the odds of continuing that mainstream success are even less likely. However, the Las
英国父母跟风名人给孩子起“复名”2015-08-27 21:30:39
Parents are giving their baby daughters TWO first names


The double-barrelled first name has long been a hit in America; since names such as Mary-Lou an
大腐国名不虚传 研究称半数英国青年或多或少有点基2015-08-27 21:29:24
Half of all young people in Britain are at least a little bit gay, survey finds

大腐国名不虚传 研究称半数英国青年或多或少有点基

Half of British young people say they are not 100 per cent heteros