外贸函电:请求承诺报价2010-02-05 20:32:27
以前曾经有过的订购,是商品具有销售价值的明证。如同这封信,再度对具有销售实绩的物品报价,是非常明智的。Dear Sirs,You will be interested to hear that we can offer a further supply of the best quality di
外贸函电:盼试饮后订购2010-02-04 20:25:08
致送样品以敦促对方订购的信函,重点在于提高其购买欲,以达到销售目的。Dear Sirs,By today's mail we have sent you a sample bottle of our remarkable new product "Delicious Wine". We send you this with co
外贸函电:对展示会展出成衣报价2010-02-03 20:11:57
付款条件、交易条件都是成交的重点。对方可能提出苛刻的交易条件,因此须研究可以接受的程度,并提出有利于自己的条件,以达成双方之协议。Dear Sirs,We are pleased to make you an offer regarding our Parisian S
外贸函电:通知特价大拍卖2010-02-02 20:27:29
这一类报价函通常都寄给往来客户。书写应力求迅速、简洁,清楚扼要。Dear Sirs,We see from our sales figures that you placed a considerable number of orders with us last year for our Bright washing machine
外贸函电:出清存货特别降价2010-02-01 20:49:45
处理库存泛滥的时候,可以提供买方一个廉价购得特价品或高级品的机会。想必会有大批订单寄来,解除重荷。Dear Sirs,Owing to last summer's exceptionally cool weather we were so overloaded with stock that we
外贸函电:推销新产品的报价2010-01-31 15:24:48
对技术优良且有信心的商品,为了加强推销而开展示会,并写邀请函吸引前来评鉴,是非常有效果的。Dear Sirs,You will be interested to hear about our latest mini-type electronic computer, which we have just in
外贸函电:推荐优良商品的报价2010-01-29 20:47:08
报价函无论买方意下如何,都须极尽推销之能事,可说是卖方最普遍的一种信函,而积极报价则是强化交易的重要诀窍。Dear Sirs,We think you will be interested to know that we have recently bought the entire stoc
外贸函电:促请于涨价前订购2010-01-28 20:39:15
在顾客很明显地将因错失良机而造成重大损失前,提醒对方目前的状况,在维护长期交易关系上颇为重要。Dear Sirs,We thank you for your inquiry of October 15 for business machines and have pleasure in sending y
外贸函电:因停止生产而要求采用代替品2010-01-27 20:16:25
当不巧没有对方要求的货品时,促其订购代替品,方为生意之道。Dear Sirs,We thank you for your letter of April 28 in which you inquire about our business machine model PH-68. We appreciate your interest bu
外贸函电:谢绝减价要求2010-01-25 21:21:45
不能给予折扣时,应该详细委婉地说明情况。莽撞作复是为禁忌。Dear Sirs,It was a pleasure to receive your inquiry of June 18 concerning the supply of our best electronic ovens. We are enclosing our price
外贸函电:推荐极获佳评的商品2010-01-24 17:17:27
竭尽所能以提供高评价商品的详细资料,可以创造商业机会,应不厌其详,全力以赴。Dear Sirs,We are pleased to have your inquiry of May 28 regarding the best-quality sewing machines. You will be interested i
外贸函电:强调商品的优秀性2010-01-23 17:15:44
设计之精巧已随着生活品味的提高而日显重要,因此,强调这点极具效益。Dear Sirs,Thank you for your inquiry of May 21 for pure woolen sweaters. We take pleasure in sending you a full selection of our lates
外贸函电:推荐畅销品2010-01-22 22:19:30
营业负责人必须经常积极、有耐心地构思贸易书信,以吸引对方的购买欲,并告知其市场的状况。Dear Sirs,We thank you for inquiry of April 1 and are pleased to send you our full range of machine tools for vari
外贸函电:强调廉售的优点2010-01-21 21:58:15
外贸函电:请求及早订购2009-10-07 22:55:26
可利用报刊杂志及业绩报表,使进口商了解畅销商品不可抗拒的魅力。对于诱使对方早作订购非常有效。Dear Sirs,We thank you for your inquiry of January 25 for our handbags and enclose our detailed quotation. A
外面函电:保证依据要求交货的报价2009-10-05 21:42:40
交货期是最重要的交易要点之一,报价时要确实地强调有利的地方。Dear Sirs,In reply to your inquiry of May 10, we enclose our detailed quotation. A complete range of patterns was sent to you by express air
外贸函电:通知以船上交货价提货2009-09-29 21:53:15
详尽、清晰地告知具体交易条件,是贸易上的必备事项。不断往返询问、答复,不但浪费时间,也可能错失最佳的交易时机。因此,即使对方的初次询问中未曾提及,回复简单地告知交易上必要的条件及需知是正确的。Dear Sir
外贸函电:请求赶赴圣诞节的订购2009-09-20 20:45:05
若因生产计划或其他因素,需要对方早日订购时,应该事先强调。Dear Sirs,We are pleased to receive your inquiry of 3rd September. As requested, we enclose our illustrated catalog and price list and trust t
外贸函电:以交涉条件作为询价的答复2009-09-13 17:47:09
交易势必会有竞争对手,强调己方的品质、价格、交货期是他方无法比拟的,非常重要。Dear Sirs,We thank you for your inquiry of July 5, and are much interested to hear that you saw our advertisement in "Fine
外贸函电:通知寄送目录与样品2009-09-09 22:03:00
回复询问的函件宜于在头一段简单复述洽询内容,以利对方了解。对所询事项应该毫无遗漏地详尽解说。Dear Sirs,We thank you for your inquiry of October 10, in response to which we have sent today a copy of our
外贸函电:要求与买方样品同品质的货品2009-09-07 20:43:47
必须依照种种条件向对方购买的时候,有必要依此范例,载明条件,请求对方估价。Dear Sirs,We have a large inquiry for the supply of approximately 30,000 meter of blue serge. We enclose our buying sample whi
外贸函电:扩充门市部时请求估价2009-09-06 21:17:14
扩充工厂、开立分店、顾客增加、扩张门市等,都是扩大交易的绝佳机会。逢此机会时,可以应用这封信。Dear Sirs,We are pleased to inform you that we have now enlarged our business machines department and are
外贸函电:不满供应商而请求迅速报价2009-09-03 21:27:47
贸易上,经常有为了改善目前不良的交易状况,寻找新交易对象而加以联络的情况。这封信可资参考。Dear Sirs,Your name was given us by Messrs. Fumau & Co., Ltd., Taipei, who have been regular customers of your
外贸函电:请求代理商报价2009-08-29 17:41:10
找出畅销的商品,继而申请与其交易,是商业成功的方法。以通信发掘好的交易对象,非常重要。Dear Sirs,We have read in the "Stereo Review" that you are the sole agents for Messrs. Solex of New York and Londo
外贸函电:应分公司要求而询价2009-08-27 21:27:07
本信可应用对分公司或国外客户之转手买卖时。变化其商品名称、交易条件、数量、具体的出口手续及方法,可广为利用。Dear Sirs,Our branch in Cairo has asked us for a quotation for 1,000 units of bicycles to be
