
时间:2008-07-04 08:31:41 来源:英语学习网站


An increase in the number of delegates to the Party congress next year will help improve the representation of grass-roots workers, an official said Sunday.

"Leaders and cadres generally should not constitute more than 70 per cent of the delegates, while those from the grass-roots level should not be less than 30 per cent."


Grass roots”常泛指“群众”或“一般选民”,广义而言,它包含有两层涵义:同政府或决策者相对的势力;同主流、精英文化或精英阶层相对应的弱势阶层。时下,渐行渐进的“草根文化”(grass-roots culture)其实是个舶来品,由“grass roots”直译而来,表示“平民化”、“大众化”。

此外,grass-roots做形容词时除表示“基层的”,还可用来形容“基础的,根本的”,如a grass-roots solution(根本的解决办法)。

