【走遍美国精讲笔记】第1课:林登大街46号 ACT 3 - 2

时间:2011-06-03 21:26:00 来源:英语学习网站

ACT 3-2 “是Richard的胶卷。我是说,Alexandra Pappas来了。”


晚饭后,Richard 还在为丢失的胶卷沮丧不已。这时,门铃响了,Robbie去开门,发现来访的是Alexandra。她送回了Richard忘记的装胶卷的包。


Richard: I keep thinking about that bag of film. Eight rolls. A whole day's work. And good stuff, too.
Ellen: Don't worry, Richard. Someone will find it.
Robbie: I'll get it. Hello.
Alexandra: Hello. Does Richard Stewart live here?
Robbie: Yes, he's my brother. I'm Robbie... Robbie, Stewart.
Alexandra: I'm Alexandra Pappas. How do you do? Your brother left his bag of film on the ferry boat. I found it.
Robbie: I'm really glad to see you. I mean... my brother'll be really glad to see you!
Ellen: Robbie ! Who is it?
Robbie: It's Richard's film! I mean, Alexandra Pappas. Come in, please.
Richard: Alexandra!
Alexandra: Hello, Richard. I found your bag!
Richard: Oh, thank you! Thank you!


1. I keep thinking about that bag of film.
我一直在想着那包胶卷。Keep doing...的意思是“一直在做...”

2. good stuff

3. How do you do?

4. I'm really glad to see you. I mean... my brother'll be really glad to see you!
当我们需要纠正我们的口误时,可以使用"I mean..."(我是说)
Robbie遇到美丽的Alexandra时,显然有些语无伦次,把哥哥说成了自己-"I'm really glad to see you."(我见到你真是高兴。)于是马上改口-"I mean... my brother'll be really glad to see you!"(我是说...我哥哥见到你一定会很高兴!)
当Ellen问他"Who is it?"时,他又一次说错了话-"It's Richard's film! "(是Richard的胶卷)随后马上纠正"I mean, Alexandra Pappas." (我是说,Alexandra Pappas来了)


