【走遍美国精讲笔记】第3课:祖父的行李箱 ACT 2 - 2

时间:2011-06-04 09:31:29 来源:英语学习网站

ACT 2-2 “说确切点,是47年。”




Elsa: Are you married?
Grandpa: My wife died four years ago. She was a wonderful woman. A real friend.
Elsa: I'm sorry. Really, I'm sorry.
Grandpa: Lots of wonderful memories. We were married almost fifty years. Well, forty-seven, to be exact.
Elsa: John and I celebrate our fortieth anniversary next month.
Grandpa: Oh, congratulations! That's nice. What does John do?
Elsa: He's an aerospace engineer and works for Orlando Aircraft Corporation. He started with them almost forty years ago. What do you do?
Grandpa: I just retired. Had my own company. A construction company. Roads, bridges, big stuff. But I just sold it and retired.
Conductor: Excuse me, ma'am. Ticket, please.
Elsa: Would you kindly hold these keys, please? I have a ticket, I know, I was in the smoking section.
Conductor: It's OK, lady.Take your time.
Grandpa: I'm sure it's in your purse, Mrs. Tobin.
Elsa: Oh, here it is.
Grandpa: And here are your keys.
Elsa: Thank you.


1. Are you married?
你结婚了吗? 动词的过去分词形态常用作形容词,放在be动词后面,作表语来修饰主词。如本句中的married

2. I'm sorry. Really, I'm sorry.
在谈话的过程中,我们可能会谈到一些不愉快的话题,这种情况下,我们应该表示遗憾或者惋惜。如本情景中,祖父Malcolm谈到自己的妻子4年前去世了,Elsa女士对此的回应是- "I'm sorry. Really, I'm sorry."(我听了很难过,真的很难过。)

3. We were married almost fifty years. Well, forty-seven, to be exact.
to be exact 确切点说,用于对刚说的话进行解释或修正。

4. Congratulations!

5. Would you kindly hold these keys, please?
"Would you kindly…?"的意思是“能麻烦您...吗?请您…好吗?”用于正式的、客气的请求别人做某事。

6. Take your time.


