【走遍美国精讲笔记】第10课:偷得浮生半日闲 ACT 3 - 2

时间:2011-07-21 20:04:18 来源:英语学习网站

ACT 3-2 “我要用点儿时间享受一下鸟语花香。 ”



Sam: Susan Stewart’s office.
Susan: Sam, this is Susan.
Sam: Hi. How was lunch?
Susan: Fine.
Sam: You're late. The production department's waiting in the conference room.
Susan: I know. Ask Paul Smith to fill in for me. He knows everything about the production schedule, and he can answer any questions.
Sam: Right.
Susan: Don't tell anyone, but I'm taking a little time to smell the flowers.
Sam: Good for you. It'll be our secret.
Susan: But schedule another production meeting for tomorrow. I'll be back for my six o'clock appointment with Mr. Ozawa.
Sam: OK, Susan. And have a nice afternoon.
Susan: Thanks.
[Later, in Central Park. Harry, Susan, and Michelle are riding in a carriage.]
Harry: She likes you.
Susan: I know. I like her.
Harry: How'd you do it?
Susan: We had a talk.
Harry: About what?
Susan: Life.
Harry: And what did you decide?
Susan: That's a secret … between us women.


1. The production department's waiting in the conference room.
这里视 production department为一个整体,故动词用单数形式“is”。

2. Ask Paul Smith to fill in for me.
请Paul Smith代我主持一下吧。
fill in for me: 暂时代替我处理事务。相当于“to take my place”。

3. Don't tell anyone, but I'm taking a little time to smell the flowers.
take a little time to do sth.: 花点时间去做某事。

4. Good for you. It'll be our secret.
Good for you.: 为你高兴。在这里相当于I'm glad to hear it ; congratulations!
secret: 秘密。

5. But schedule another production meeting for tomorrow. I'll be back for my six o'clock appointment with Mr. Ozawa.
schedule sth.: 安排某事。schedule在这里用作动词。
an appointment with sb.: 与某人的会面,约见某人

6. And what did you decide?
decide: 得……结论;解决(有争执或疑问的事情);决定。

