Lesson 33 Stating the General Time of Your Activities 表示活动的大致时

时间:2010-09-17 13:14:50 来源:英语学习网站

Lesson 33 Stating the General Time of Your Activities 表示活动的大致时

Conversation A : At the Office?

CARA: Hello, Martin. Did you finish your story??
MARTIN: Yes, I did. I worked on Saturday.
CARA: When did you finish??
MARTIN: I finished in the evening.?
WALEED: Hello, Cara, Martin.?
CARA: Hi, Waleed.?
MARTIN: Good morning, Waleed. How are you??
WALEED: Fine, thanks. Did you have a nice weekend??
CARA: Wonderful.?
MARTIN: I worked.?
WALEED: Did you work at the office??
MARTIN: No, I worked at home. I finished a story.?
WALEED: I can't work on the weekend. The children are very noisy. ?
MARTIN: I don't like to work on weekends.?
CARA: Martin, when are you going to Pittsburgh??
MARTIN: On Tuesday.?
WALEED: Are you working on a story??
MARTIN: Yes, I'm writing a story about Pittsburgh.?
WALEED: Didn't you write a story about Pittsburgh last year??
MARTIN: Yes, I did. I wrote a story three years ago, too. I visit Pittsburgh often. sometimes I write a story. I want to see the changes.?
WALEED: Has it changed??
MARTIN: Yes, it has changed. I wrote a story ten years ago, too.
WALEED: Pardon??
MARTIN: Ten years ago.?
CARA: When did you first visit Pittsburgh??
MARTIN: In 1975. I went with my father to a baseball game.?
HOWARD: Good morning, everybody.?
OTHERS: Good morning, Howard. Hi. Good morning. How are you??
HOWARD: Where are you going this week, Martin??
MARTIN: Pittsburgh.?
HOWARD: When are you going??
MARTIN: I'm going on Tuesday.?
CARA: I'm going to work now. There's meeting this morning.?
HOWARD: When is the meeting??
CARA: It's at eleven forty-five.?
WALEED: Eleven forty-five? When is our meeting, Martin??
MARTIN: Our meeting is at eleven forty-five.?
WALEED: Can we change our meeting??
MARTIN: Of course. What time do you want to meet??
WALEED: Can we meet at eleven o'clock??
MARTIN: Yes, we can. Do you want to meet in your office??
WALEED: Can we meet in your office??
MARTIN: When are we going to finish??
WALEED: Before the other meeting.?

Practice 1:“介词 at+几点钟”表示特定某点时间,介词 on, in, before, ago 等与时间名词搭配表示某段时间。?
Example One: 
  MRTIN: At seven o'clock.?
CARA: At eleven forty-five.?
WALEED: At eleven o'clock.?
MARTIN: At four o'clock.?
CARA: At ten-thiry.?
Example Two:?
MARTIN: On Saturday. In the evening.?
WALEED: On the weekend.?
MARTIN: On Tuesday.?
WALEED: Last year.?
MARTIN: Three years ago. Ten years ago. In 1975.?
WALEED: Before the other meeting.?

会话A : 在办公室?
卡  拉:你好,马丁。你写完报导了吗??
马  丁:是的,写完了。我星期六工作了。?
卡  拉:你什么时候写完的??
马  丁:我在晚上写完的。?
卡  拉:你好,瓦利德。?
马  丁:早上好,瓦利德,你好吗??
卡  拉:好极了。?
马  丁:我工作了。?
马  丁:不是,我在家工作的,我写完了一篇报导。?
马  丁:我不喜欢在周末工作。?
卡  拉:马丁,你什么时候去匹兹堡??
马  丁:星期二。?
马  丁:是的,我在写一篇有关匹兹堡的报导。?
马  丁:写过,我3年前也写过一篇报导。我经常去匹兹堡,有时我写报导,我想看到匹兹堡所发生的变化。?
马  丁:是的,有变化。我10年前也写过一篇报导。?
马  丁:10年前。?
卡  拉:你第一次访问匹兹堡是什么时候??
马  丁:在1975年,我和我父亲一起去看了一场棒球赛。?
马  丁:匹兹堡。?
马  丁:我星期二去。?
卡  拉:现在我要去工作了,今天上午有个会议。?
卡  拉:11点45分开。?
马  丁:我们的会是11点45分。?
马  丁:当然,可以,你想什么时间开会??
马  丁:好的,你要在你的办公室开吗??
马  丁:什么时间能开完??

Conversation B?

CARA: When are you going to have lunch??
WALEED: I'm not going to have lunch.?
HOWARD: After I finish my work.?
MARTIN: At twelve-thirty.?
MARTIN: Cara, when are you going to Europe??
CARA: We're going next month.?
WALEED: Can we go to lunch now?
CARA: Howard isn't here.?
WALEED: When is he coming??
MARTIN: In a few minutes.?
WALEED: Where are you going in Europe??
CARA: We're going many places.?
WALEED: Are you going to Bulgaria??
CARA: Yes, we are.?
WALEED: When are you going there??
CARA: Let me see. In about three weeks.?
WALEED: I have an uncle in Bulgaria. Can you phone him??
CARA: Of course. Please give me his phone number.?
WALEED: OK. I'm going to bring it next week.?
MARTIN: When did your uncle go to Bulgaria??
WALEED: Many years ago. He was a student. He studied engineering.?
MARTIN: Did he stay there??
WALEED: Yes, he did. He married. He had children.?
MARTIN: When did you see him??
WALEED: Twenty years ago. He came to see my father.
WALEED: He is my father's brother.?
HOWARD: I'm here.?
WALEED: Good, Can we go now??
HOWARD: Were you waiting for me??
WALEED: Of course.?
HOWARD: Yes, let's go.?
CARA: Martin, when are we going to Georgetown University??
MARTIN: Next week. The demonstration is on Wednesday.?
HOWARD: What demonstration is that??
CARA: It is Environmental Day. There is a big demonstration.?
WALEED: What is Environmental Day??
MARTIN: The students are having a demonstration about environmental problems. Cara and I are going to write a story.?
WALEED: What problems are they demonstrating about??
CARA: Many problems.?
MARTIN: We're going to write about river pollution.?
CARA: Yes. The university is on the river. We want to listen to the speeken. We want to write about pollution.?
MARTIN: We had a story about ocean pollution.?
WALEED: When??
CARA: A few weeks ago. We visited the Atlantic Ocean.?
HOWARD: When did you go to the Atlantic Ocean??
MARTIN: In the summer.?
WALEED: Did you see pollution in the ocean??
CARA: Yes, we did. We saw pollution in some places.?
MARTIN: We saw pollution in the river, too.?
HOWARD: When??
MARTIN: Last week. Last month. Last year. We want to write about pollution.?
Practice 2:表示一段时间的短语有些是表示过去的时间,有些是表示将来的时间,有些既能表示将来也能表示过去。?
Example One: (表示过去)?
WALEED: Many years ago. Twenty years ago.?
CARA: A few weeks ago.
MARTIN: Last week. Last month. Last year.?
Example Two:(表示将来)?
CARA: Next month.?
MARTIN: In a few minutes.?
CARA: In about three weeks.?
WALEED: Next week.?
Example Three: (表示将来及过去)?
WALEED: For three years.?
MARTIN: On Wednesday. In the summer.?

卡  拉:你们什么时候吃午饭??
马  丁:12点半。?
马  丁:卡拉,你什么时候去欧洲??
卡  拉:我们下月去。?
卡  拉:霍华德出去了。?
马  丁:几分钟后。?
卡  拉:我们将去许多地方。?
卡  拉:是的,我们去。?
卡  拉:让我想一下,大约3周后。?
卡  拉:当然能,请把他的电话号码给我。?
马  丁:你叔叔什么时候去的保加利亚??
马  丁:他就留在那儿了吗??
马  丁:你什么时候见到他的??
卡  拉:马丁,我们什么时候去乔治敦大学??
马  丁:下周。示威活动是在星期三。?
卡  拉:那天是环境保护日,有个大型示威活动。?
马  丁:学生们将举行示威,宣传环境的问题。我和卡拉将写篇报导。?
卡  拉:许多问题。?
马  丁:我们将写有关河流污染的问题。?
卡  拉:对,这所大学就在一条河上,我们将听听演说,我们想写有关污染的问题。?
马  丁:我们写过一篇有关海洋污染的报导。?
卡  拉:几周前,我们访游览了大西洋。?
马  丁:在夏天。?
卡  拉:对,我们在几个地方都看到了污染。?
马  丁:我们也看到了河流的污染。?
马  丁:上周,上个月,去年。我们要写有关污染的报导。

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语?

on the weekend 在周末?
on weekends 在每个周末?
noisy   adj. 吵闹的?
engineering    n. 工程学?
demonstation   n. 示威?
environmental   adj. 环境的?
Environmental Day 环境保护日?
pollution    n. 污染?
lecture   n. 讲演?

Proper Nouns 专有名词?

Bulgaria    保加利亚?
Georgetown    乔治敦?
Pittsburgh   匹兹堡?
the Atlantic Ocean   大西洋

Language Points 语言要点?

Did you have a nice weekend? 你周末过得愉快吗?这里的 have 是实义动词,意为“经验,“碰到”,人们常用 have 短语表示祝愿,一般常在道别时用,例如:?
Have a nice weekend. 祝你周末过得愉快。?
Have a good day. 祝你一天过得愉快。?
Have a pleasant dream. 祝你做个好梦。?

Cultural Notes  文化注释

美国的环境保护运动 (conservation movement) 早在罗斯福执政期间 (Theodore Roosevelt's administration 1901~1909) 就受到重视,随着环境保护运动影响的扩大,得到公众的广泛信任与支持,导致20世纪60年代和70年代一系列联邦法规的出台,如1970年的《清洁空气法》(Clean Air Act) ,1972年的《水污染控制法》(Water Pollution Control Act) ,1973年的《濒临灭绝物种保护法》(Endangered Species Act)等。?
公众对污染问题的关注,已成为美国人生活的一部分,就连为大家所熟知的可口可乐饮料罐(Coca Cola can) 也受到影响。今天,按法律要求,罐必须做成顶部的拉环(the rings on top) 不能脱离罐被扔掉。


