【情景英语口语100主题】002 Character 性格

时间:2011-06-04 17:16:08 来源:英语学习网站

Character 性格


A: Do you like Barry?

B: No, not very much. He's too ambitious and dishonest.

A: I agree. I like his brother Paul. They are not alike.

B: Yes. They are completely different. Paul is very sociable and much more honest than his brother.

A: What kind of person do you consider yourself to be?

B: I think I'm polite, careful, relaxed and shy.

A: Oh, I don't think you're shy! You are always chatting with new people when we go to a party.

B: Well. Yes, but those people always start talking to me. I never talk to them first. Perhaps I'm not as shy as I think. Anyway, you're certainly not shy!

A: You're right. I love going out and making new friends.

B: So, you'll be at my birthday party on Friday?

A: Of course!


A: How do you think people get their personalities?

B: I think it's mainly from the environment a person lives in.

A: Don't you think people get their personalities from their parents?

B: No, but parents control a lot of the environment that kids grow up in,so they certainly influence their kid's personalities a lot.

A: So why do you think many kids have personalities that are so different from their parents.

B: Maybe when they become teenagers, they want to be completely different to their parents.

A: You might be right. I guess most parents want their kids to be like them, but kids today grow up in a different environment. You know, they know much more about the world from the internet, newspapers, and TV.

B: Do you think that teenagers get a lot of their bad behaviour from TV and movies?

A: Maybe some of it. I think a lot of people blame TV and movies when the real problem is that the parents aren’t bringing their child up correctly.

B: Parents have a difficult job. They have to bring up their children and usually have to work too.

A: Yes, that's true. Your son is doing well at school, isn't he?

B: Yes, he is. He's very hardworking when he's at school. Then he comes home from school and does his homework before dinner. After dinner, he goes out with his friends.

A: So, he's not a bookworm? It's good that he has an outgoing personality. Some kids are very quiet and introverted. You wonder how they'll survive in the real world without their parents to support them.


Words Ⅰ.

ambitious [æmˈbiʃəs] adj.有雄心的;野心勃勃的 ( having a strong desire for success or achievement )

eg.She is an ambitious woman. 她是一个雄心勃勃的女人。

sociable 好交际的;善交际的 (friendly and pleasant)

eg.Adler was an outgoing, sociable kind of man. 艾德勒是一个爽直的、好交际的人。

personality [ˌpəːsəˈnæliti] n. ( pl. personalities )( the complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual )人格,品格

eg.His personality left a deep impression on us. 他的人品给我们留下了深刻的印象。

(显明的)个性,性格 He has a strong personality. 他性格坚强。

introverted [’intrəvə’tid] adj.(性格)内向的;不爱交际的


Words Ⅱ.

polite /extrovert/ careless/ innocent/ impolite/ aggressive/ friendly/ frank

ambitious/ unfriendly/ honest/ energetic/ serious/ relaxed/ shy/ quiet/ noisy

outgoing/ thoughtful/ curious/ stubborn/ arrogant/ reliable/ jealous/ sociable

polite [pəˈlait] adj.有礼貌的,客气的;殷勤的 (showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc.)

eg.He's always so polite to people. 他对人总是非常有礼貌。

extrovert [ˈekstrəuvəːt] n. 个性外向的人 (psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings careless: marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful; "careless about her clothes";

innocent [ˈinəsnt] adj.

1.无罪的,清白的 He was pronounced innocent of the charge. 他被宣告无罪。

2.无害的 The butterfly is an innocent insect. 蝴蝶是一种无害的昆虫。



eg.Don't be so innocent as to believe everything he says. 不要这么天真,竟相信他所说的一切。

impolite [ˌimpəˈlait] adj. (Rudeness (also called impudence or effrontery) is the disrespect and failure to behave within the context of a society or a group of people's social laws or etiquette. These laws have already unspokenly been established as the essential boundaries of normally accepted behaviour )

aggressive : characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight

frank: blunt: characterized by directness in manner or speech

energetic: [ˌenəˈdʒetik] adj.精力旺盛的;精神饱满的 ( possessing or exerting or displaying energy )

eg.He is an energetic tennis player. 他是个精力充沛的网球手。

serious: He was kind and affectionate, but very serious. 他仁慈、亲切,但非常严肃。

affectionate [əˈfekʃənit] adj.充满深情的,温柔亲切的 ( having or displaying warmth or affection )

eg.She was very affectionate with children. 她很爱孩子。

curious: eager to investigate and learn or learn more (sometimes about others' concerns)

eg.The boy was curious about everything he saw. 那男孩对所见的一切都感到好奇。

stubborn: [ˈstʌbən]adj. refusing to move or change one's opinion

arrogant [ˈærəgənt] adj.傲慢的;自大的;自负的

eg.John is so arrogant that he thinks he is better than everyone else. 约翰太骄傲自大,以为比谁都强。

reliable: [riˈlaiəbl] adj.可信赖的;可靠的;确实的 ( worthy of dependance or reliance; trustworthy )

eg.I found this to be a reliable brand of washing machines. 我觉得这是一种牌子可靠的洗衣机。

jealous [ˈdʒeləs] adj.

1.妒忌的 Why is he so jealous? 他为何这么会妒忌?

He was jealous of his friend's reputation. 他妒忌朋友的声誉。


If other men spoke to her intimately he was immediately jealous.



Look relaxed /appear shy /think of someone /have a personality /

be considered /pretend to be /to be alike /completely different


