【情景英语口语100主题】008 friends 朋友

时间:2011-06-05 10:45:13 来源:英语学习网站

Friends 朋友


A: I had a big argument with David yesterday. I hope he’s not still mad at me.

B: What did you argue about?

A: He borrowed some money from me and I needed it back. He said he didn’t have the money yet.

B: Well, he should pay you back. It’s only fair.

A: Yes, but I got angry with him too quickly. He probably thought that I mistrusted him. I shouldn’t have got angry.

B; Did you lend him a lot of money?

A; Not much. I had to pay an unexpected bill, so I needed the money back.

B; Well, talk to him about it next time you see him. He probably feels as bad about it as you do. Close friends sometimes have disagreements. It’s nothing unusual. Neither of you said anything really nasty, did you?

A: No , we didn’t. I guess you’re right. We should patch things up.

B: Of course you should. You wouldn’t want a silly argument to ruin a long friendship, would you?

【Intermediate】step2: 中级进阶

A: What kind of qualities do you look for in your friends?

B: I like people who are open and friendly. Those people are usually more active and fun to be with. I like spending time with my friends. We go to bars together or play sports together.

A: I don’t like to make friends with people who aren’t honest. Honesty is very important to me.

B: I think it’s important to most people. The problem is that you can usually only find out if someone is honest by getting to know them.

A; You can find out from their friends.

B: If you know any of their friends. You can’t rely on your friends to introduce people to you all the time. You have to go out and make the first move sometimes. I also like funny people.

A: Oh, I don’t. They don’t seem to take anything seriously. You never know when they are joking and when they are being serious.

B: Sometimes it can be hard to tell, but if you know the person fairly well, you can usually see from their expression what they are really thinking.

A: It seems that we generally like different kinds of people. How is it that we are such good friends?

B: Maybe people don’t like to have friends that are all the same. Most people like a little variety in their lives-including a variety of characteristics in their friends.




Old friends/ close friends/ boy/girl friends/ best friend/ lifelong friend

mate/ pal/ buddy/ schoolmate/ classmate/ acquaintance/ pen-friend


mate [meit] n.伙伴,同事;配偶;大副 v.(使)交配

1. He found himself separated from his mates. 他发现自己与伙伴们分开了。

2. The first mate will be in charge when the captain is away. 船长不在时将由大副负责。

3. Many animals mate in the spring. 许多动物在春天交配。

close friends 亲密的朋友, 很要好的朋友

best friends 最好的朋友

lifelong friends 一生的好友,生死之交

pal [pæl] n.【口】伙伴,好朋友 v.交友

1. I miss you -- I've no pal now. 我很想念你--我现在一个朋友也没有。

2. Tom and Bob often pal around after school. 汤姆和鲍勃放学后常结伴玩耍。

buddy ['bʌdi] n. 【口】好朋友,伙伴;搭挡 【美】【俚】(用作称呼)老兄,老弟

1. He's my buddy. 他是我的好朋友。

2. Get out of my way, buddy! 让开,老兄!

acquaintance [əˈkweintəns] n.相识的人,熟人;认识,了解

1. She has many acquaintances in the business community. 她在商界有不少熟人。

2. I have some acquaintance with Spanish. 我懂一点西班牙语。



Make friends with/ Get together/ Be friendly with/Get to know

Introduce(to)/ Get on well with/ Drift apart/ Fall out

get on well with 与……相处融洽

drift apart 各奔东西,(感情)疏远

fall out 吵架,失和,闹翻


