【情景英语口语100主题】022 banks银行

时间:2011-06-06 09:10:19 来源:英语学习网站

Banks 银行


A: How do you use an ATM card, Billy?

B: It’s easy, grandpa. Insert your card into the machine here. Then wait a moment. OK. Now you enter your PIN. It should have four numbers.

A: Oh yes. I’ve got it written down here. Just a minute.

B: You really shouldn’t write it down. You should memorize it. You can change it to a more convenient number if you like.

A: OK, I’ve entered my PIN. There are several options on the screen. I guess I just choose which service I want, don't I ?

B: Yes. Choose the service you need to use. If you choose to withdraw money, the machine will ask you how much you want.

A: I can just enter the amount using the key, right?

B: That’s right. Give the machine a moment to process you request. Then take your money.

A: These machines aren’t very difficult to use. In fact, I quite like them. They are much faster than dealing with a band clerk.

【Intermediate】step2: 中级进阶

A: Which services offered by your bank do you use most?

B: I use several services. Of course, I deposit and withdraw money quite often. I often use my ATM card to take money out of my current account. I use my bank to exchange money from one currency to another. I often travel abroad, you see.

A: Do you ever ask your bank for traveller's cheques? They are much safer than carrying lots of cash around.

B: I sometimes use traveller's cheques, but sometimes I travel to countries where they are hard to exchange for cash.

A: Do you use your bank to pay your utility bills? I use direct debit.

B: Yes, I do. It saves me a lot of time. I also have standing orders for my subscriptions to magazines.

A: That’s good idea. You don’t need to worry about missing an issue of a magazine if you do that. I suppose you have a mortgage too.

B: Yes. My bank offers very good terms and conditions on mortgages. There’s a lot of competition between banks nowadays. Each one is trying to offer better conditions and services than the others.

A: I have a deposit account with my bank. There are some restrictions on withdrawing money, but the interest rate is much higher.

B: I don’t have one. I prefer to buy shares. My bank also provides a share trading service. It’s cheap and easy to use.

A: That’s great. But I prefer to put my money somewhere where the returns are more certain.




Borrow/ lend/ mortgage/ load/ interest/ deposit/ withdraw/ overdraft/ overdrawn

Cash point/ATM cheque/check/ currency/ exchange rate/ convert/ transaction/ bank clerk


withdraw money 取款

withdraw [wiðˈdrɔ:]vt.收回,撤消,撤退vi.缩回,退出,撤退

1. She withdrew her eyes from his smashed right hand.她移开视线不去看他那只打烂的右手。

2. The government withdraws worn out money from use.政府收回旧币使之不再流通。

3. He has decided to withdraw from the competition.他已决定退出竞赛。

deposit money 存款

deposit [diˈpɔzit] n.定金;存款;矿藏 vt.使沉淀;寄存;储蓄

1. The river deposited silt at its mouth.那条河在河口沉积淤泥。

2. He deposited 5,000 dollars in the bank.他在银行存了五千元。

3. You must pay a deposit if you want to reserve the room.你要预订房间,就得先付定金。

currency [ˈkʌrənsi]n.通货,货币;通行,流行

1. The Japanese yen is one of the stronger currencies in the world.日元是世界上较坚挺的货币之一。

2. These ideas have gained wide currency.这些思想已广泛传播。

utility bill 帐单

direct debit 直接借记,直接借记银行存款帐户,直接付帐

subscription [səbˈskripʃən]n.预订;预约;捐款;(俱乐部等的)会费

1.his subscription to a fund 他对一项基金的捐款

2.My subscription to the magazine will soon expire, I will renew it.我订阅的杂志快到期了,我将续订。

mortgage [ˈmɔ:gidʒ]n.抵押,抵押借款vt.抵押

1. The bank refused to accept any mortgage on land.银行拒绝接受任何土地抵押。

2. The house was mortgaged to the bank for fifty thousand dollars.这所房子抵押给银行借得五万元。



Cash a cheque/ Open an account/ Exchange currency/ Conduct a transaction

Make a withdrawal/ Write a cheque/ Use an ATM card/ Get an overdraft

Enter you PIN/ Insert your card/ Press the button/ Use a credit card


