
时间:2009-01-04 16:58:54 来源:英语学习网站

你是否整夜辗转难眠?你是否觉得清醒的时候头晕无比?你是否觉得自己的精力在每天中午就已耗尽?你或许和大部分无法得到足够休息的美国人一样 ,又或许和那些成群增长的生意人一样,午夜时分仍对着电脑屏幕忙着生意。

拥有自己的生意并且可以在家庭办公室里工作的确非常有乐趣 。不必与别人交流,不必参与办公室政治,你甚至不用穿衣服。这样的工作所产生的副作用就是一些生意人从来不拒绝他们的工作。你有没有发现自己经常整夜睡不着觉?你是不是都要赶着在限制的期限内完成任务并且在完成之前不能放弃。还有,凌晨2点钟,当你的脑袋触碰枕头的时候,你是不是还在想着第二天需要完成的任务?此时,你会发现已第二天!











Do you toss and turn all night? Do you feel groggy upon awakening? Does your energy crash in the middle of the day? You might be like a large percentage of Americans who do not get enough sound sleep. And you might be like a growing group of business owners who are burning the midnight computer screen.

It's great fun having your own business and working out of your home office. No commutes, no office politics, and you don't even have to get dressed. On the flip side of all these perks is that some entrepreneurs never close the door on their work. Do you find yourself too often up all night? Are you racing to meet a deadline and can't quit until you're done? And when your head finally hits the pillow at 2:00 am, is your mind racing through all you need to accomplish the next day? Well, it is already the next day!

We refer to this as entrepreneur insomnia and it is very prevalent among new business owners, entrepreneurs with growing businesses, and the typical type-A personality--there's always more to do! The truth is that if you want to be effective at what you do, enough sound sleep is part of the formula. You will not be as effective in your dealings with clients and in the services you provide, if your brain hasn't had a chance to wind down and renew itself every night.

Occasionally, you might have an exception where you must get a project out on time. Other than that, how do you recover from entrepreneur insomnia and learn to practice better sleeping habits? Consider some of these helpful hints to cure this unhealthy situation:

Set your business hours. Open your business from 10 am-6 pm, and close the office door promptly at 6 pm. (or choose whatever hours work for you.) If you stay up until 2 am, start your next day at 10 am so you get adequate rest.

Let others know your hours. Your family, friends, and clients need to know when you're available and when your time will be occupied with work. This way, you can set boundaries and establish a good work-life balance.

Prioritize your days. You're less likely to find yourself working all night if you focus on your top priorities each day. Save your lower priorities until your higher ones are done, or delegate them to others.

Plan time off. Sleep is renewing, but even more so are full days off from work. If you're working a 6- or 7-day week now, plan at least one day off/week, at least one full weekend/month and at least one or more weeks/year. That means no business, no laptops, no emails--just rest, renew, refresh.

Use your bed for sleeping. Don't bring work to bed. Finish it in the office, close the door, brush your teeth, put on your pajamas, and climb into bed. It's time for sleep, not more business.

You, your clients, and your family will get so much more value out of who you are and what you have to offer if you recover from entrepreneur insomnia, and balance your life between work and rest.

