薄冰英语语法 Unit 8 情态动词

时间:2009-02-07 17:17:10 来源:英语学习网站


1. can的用法

(1) can表示主语的能力。如:
The hall can seat 1,000 people. 这个大厅能坐1 000人。
Can you play the piano? 你会弹钢琴吗?

(2) can表示说话人的猜测(即可能性),多用于否定句和疑问句。如:
Can it be true? 这能是真的吗?
The moon can't always be at the full. 月不可能总是圆的。
What can she mean? 她可能是什么意思呢?

(3) can表示许可。如:
This sort of thing can't go on. 这样的事不能再继续下去了。
You can't smoke here. 你不可在这里吸烟。

He can't have missed the way.I explained the route carefully and drew him a map.
Can the team have left already? 球队已经离开了吗?

2. could的用法

(1) could表示主语的能力,为can的过去时形式,如:
Daisy couldn't come yesterday because she was ill.
They said they could swim. 他们说他们会游泳。

(2) could表示说话人的猜测(即可能性)。如:
He could be right. 他或许是对的。
Could it be Henry? 可能是亨利吗?
At that time we thought the story could not be true.

(3) could表示许可。如:
Father said I could swim in the river.
Could I help you? 我能帮忙吗? (比Can I help you?婉转)
The man asked if he could smoke in the hall.

I could have reported you. 我本可以报告你的。
You could have let me know earlier. 你本来该早一些告诉我。

3. may的用法

(1) may表示许可,多用于肯定句和疑问句中,否定句中不常用。如:
May I ask you a question?
我可以问你个问题吗?(比Can I ask you a question?更礼貌)
You may keep the book for two weeks.

(2) may表示可能性,常用于肯定句和否定句中,指现在或将来的可能性。如:
It may be true. 那可能是真的。
The road may be blocked. 这条路可能不通了。

Eva may have missed her train. 伊娃可能误火车了。
He may have read the book. 他可能读过这本书。

(4) may as well(=might as well)是一个习语,作“不妨”或“完全有理由”或“还是……的好”解,用于提出建议。如:
You may as well stay where you are. 你还是原地呆着好。
All the pubs are closing.We may as well go home.

  在对由may引出的“请求许可”的问句做出肯定回答时,通常不用过于严肃和正式的“Yes, you may.”,而多用“Yes, please?(请便)”或“Of course/ Certainly(当然可以).”;否定回答时,常用 “Please don't(请不要).”或“No, you mustn't(不行).”

4. might的用法

(1) might表示许可。如:
Might I have a word with you? 我可以同你说句话吗?
Might I make a suggestion? 我可以提一项建议吗?
Might we ask you a favour? 我们可以请你帮个忙吗?
但要注意:Might I...比May I...更客气,但是不如May I...常用。

(2) might表示说话人的猜测,其把握性比may小。如:
Mr Smith might be right. 史密斯先生或许是对的。
He might have some fever. 他可能有点发烧。

(3) might用于委婉地提出建议、责备等。如:
You might ask him for help. 你可以请他帮忙嘛。
You might ask before you borrow my car.

You might have considered her feelings. 你本应考虑她的感受。
You might have let me know earlier. 你本来该早一些告诉我。

5. must的用法

(1) must表义务或强制。如:
I must go now. 我必须走了。
Soldiers must obey orders. 军人必须服从命令。
Visitors must leave bags in the cloakroom.

  must用于一般疑问句时,其肯定答语应用Yes, please.或I'm afraid so.其否定答语应用needn't或don't have to.
—Must I go tomorrow? 明天我必须去吗?
—Yes, please. 是的。
—No, you needn't. 不,你不必去。
must的否定式must not/mustn't表示禁止。
You mustn't leave here. 你不许离开这儿。
Cars mustn't be parked in front of the entrance. 车不能停在入口处。

(2) must表示说话人有把握的猜测,仅限于肯定句。如:
He must be at home now. 他现在肯定在家。
You must be joking. 你一定是在开玩笑。
He must be mad. 他一定是疯了。

(3)“must+进行式”表示对现在情况有把握的猜测,仅限于肯定句。如: You must be joking. 你一定是在开玩笑吧。

You must have known what he wanted.
Emm must have been very young when she got married.

He must have been working. 他肯定一直在工作。



1. shall的用法

(1) shall用于疑问句中,征求对方的意愿;这时可以用第一人称和第三人称。如:
Shall I turn on the light? 要开灯吗?(我把灯打开好吗?)
Shall we sit here? 咱们坐这儿怎么样?(坐这儿好吗?)
Shall we begin now? 我们现在开始,好吗?
Shall he send you a check? 要不要他给你寄张支票?

(2) shall用于陈述句,与第二人称或第三人称连用,表示允诺、命令、警告和强制,或表示说话人的决心等。如:
She shall get her share. 她可以得到她的一份。(允诺)
Then you shall come. 那你就得来.(命令)
Nothing shall stop us from carrying out this plan.

2. should的用法

(1) should表“应该”,用于所有人称,表示常理认为是对的事或适宜做的事,通常意义为“应该”。如:
You should be more careful next time. 你下次应该再细心些。
We should always bear this in mind. 我们要把这一点常记在心里。

I should have taken her advice. 我本该采纳她的建议的。
I shouldn't have treated her like that. 我不该那样待她来着。

(3) 表示说话人对过去情况的猜测。如:
The guests should have arrived now. 客人可能已经到了。

3. will的用法

(1) will表示主语的决心或意愿。如:
I won't argue with you. 我不愿意跟你争辩。
I will do all I can. 我会尽力去做。
If you want help, let me know, will you?

(2) 作为情态动词,will表示说话人的猜测,意为“大概”。如:
That will be the book you want. 那大概是你所要的书。
Ask him. He will know. 问他吧,他大概知道。

(3) will表示主语的习惯或习惯能力。如:
The young man will sit there for hours doing nothing.
Water will boil at 100℃. 水在100℃时沸腾。

4. would的用法

(1) would表示主语的意愿。如:
That's just what he would want. 那正是他想要的。
His daughter wouldn't listen to anybody.

(2) “Would you...?”表示客气的请求。如:
Would you please lend me your pen? 借用一下你的钢笔好吗?
What would you like to drink? 你想喝点什么?

(3)“Would you like / prefer...?”表示提议或邀请。如:
Would you like some coffee? 你要不要喝点咖啡?

(4) would表示说话人的猜测,其把握性比will小。如:
It would be about ten o'clock when he left home.
That would be in 1976, I think. 我想那可能是在1976年。

(5) would表示过去的习惯性动作。如:
Sometimes he would come to see us. 他有时来看看我们。
Every evening he would come to say goodnight.

The tour group would have reached New York.
I thought you knew. I thought Maxim would have told you.

5. have to的用法

  have to主要用于表示客观外界向主语施加的义务。它有一般现在时单数第三人称形式has to和过去时形式had to,也可以与助动词和其他情态动词连用。如:
I shall have to go to the clinic today for my bad cough.
You will have to come tomorrow. 你明天得来。

口语中也可用have(has)got to(美国英语可省去have)。英国英语还可用其否定与疑问结构。如:
You haven't got to work tomorrow. 明天你不用上班。(got可省去)
Have you got to work tomorrow? 你明天得上班吗?(got可省去)

有时 don't have to与haven't got to的含义有所不同,如:
You don't have to change at London. 你不用在伦敦换车。(指通常)
You haven't got to change at London. 你不用在伦敦换车。(指这一次)

6. ought to的用法

(1) ought to表示出于义务、责任、道义等方面的要求而该做的事。如:
You ought to go to see the doctor. 你该去看病。
He said you ought to tell the police.

(2) ought to表示说话人的猜测。如:
John ought to know how to use the mchine.
但要注意:在表示义务和猜测时,ought to通常可以和should换用。

7. need的用法

(1) 表必要性,多用于疑问句、否定句或否定意味的疑问句中。如:
You needn't hurry. 你不必着急。
Need I repeat it? 需要我重复吗?/p>

(2) “need+完成式”表示对过去情况温和的责备、后悔等,通常限于否定句。如:
We needn't have hurried. 我们当时不必那么匆忙。
The car needs cleaning.=The car needs to be cleaned.
We need some more money. 我们还需要些钱。/p>

8. dare的用法

(1) 作为情态动词, dare没有人称和数的变化,现在时和过去时的形式相同,通常用于否定句和疑问句。如:
Dare you jump down from the tree? 你敢从树上跳下来吗?
How dare you be so rude? 你怎么敢如此无理?

(2) dare还可用作实义动词,作实义动词时,它有动词的全部形式,后面要跟带to的不定式。如:
The girl didn't dare to go by herself. 那女孩不敢独自去。
He dared to say no more.他不再敢说什么了。

(3) dare作实义动词时有人称和数的变化,有现在时和过去时形式,可以和助动词连用,也不仅只用于否定和疑问句,而且dare之后的不定式符号to可以省略。如:
Who dares (to) go? 谁敢去?
She did not dare (to) go out after dark.

(4) 作为实义动词, dare除了作上面的“敢于”之外,还可以作“向……挑战”和“敢于面对”解。如:
I dare you to do it. 我谅你不敢做这事。
The young man dared the anger of the entire family.

9. used to的用法

(1) used to表示过去的习惯动作或状态,现在已不存在,没有人称和数的变化。如:
Natalie told us she used to go church.
It used to be a prosperous town.

(2) used to的否定式和疑问式有两种形式。一种是不用助动词,另一种是借助于助动词did,而借助于助动词的形式更为常见。如:
I didn't use to/usedn't to/used not to get tired when I played tennis.
Did you use to / used to play tennis?或Used you to play tennis?
There used to be a pub here,didn't use there / usedn't there?

(3) used to do(作“过去经常做”解)与be used to sth / doing sth (作“习惯于某事 / 做某事”解)。如:
I'm used to life in the country. 我习惯于乡村生活。
She was not used to getting up early. 她不习惯早起。


