
时间:2011-03-04 21:40:36 来源:英语学习网站
RLC Corporate English Training Program – Your best language-learning partner in an international working surrounding!愿达企业英语培训课程—国际工作环境中最好的语言学习伙伴
Introduction to RLC愿达语言中心简介
Now a strong and popular language training institution with seven branches, Randolph Language Center was established by some returned scholars and an American Professor Randolph Wadsworth in 1995. There are six departments in the center: the Department of Corporate Training, the Department of General English, the Department of English for Special Purposes (TOEFL, IELTS, PETS, and BEC), the Department of Mandarin and Cantonese for Foreigners, and Department of Japanese & Korean. Among the various teaching methods or approaches, RLC has adopted the Functional-Communicative Teaching Method, recognized as the most mature and effective language teaching method by the international language teaching community. Today, the school has an enrolment of about 2000 students, and a strong pool of excellent Chinese teachers and native-speaking teachers. During the past six years, we have trained over 60,000 students and hence enjoy high prestige in the field of language training. In 1999, we became the only auhtorizee by ETS in South China to use their teaching materials. In 2003, we were deemed as Excellent Corporation by Tianhe government and the model school by the first China Continuing Education and Training Exhibition (Guangzhou). It is our mission to provide excellent service to the community. With our extensive training and management experience, we have confidence that this center will be your best language-learning partner.
愿达语言中心由暨大海归学者与美国教授于95年创办,目前已发展成为一家综合实力强大的语言培训机构,下属石牌总校、东圃分校、海珠分校、白云分校、荔湾分校、棠下分校及客村分校七家学校遍布广州各区。培训课程涉及全日制英语、会员制英语、TOEFL, IELTS, PETS, BEC、企业团体工作英语等,语种涵盖英语、日语、韩语、西班牙语、法语、德语、俄语、对外汉语及粤语等。在形形色色的语言教学法中,国际语言教学界公认真正成熟的教学法是“功能交际法”,愿达是国内率先采用该教学法的专业语言培训机构。学校目前在读学生人数2000余人,拥有强大的中外教学师资,多年来为社会各界输送了6万余名专业外语人才,享有很高的社会声誉。1999年,愿达语言中心获美国教育考试中心授权,成为华南独家可合法使用其教材的机构;2003年,愿达语言中心荣获天河区政府颁发先进单位称号及中国首届继续教育与培训展(广州)示范单位。愿达语言中心将充分利用多年来积累的教学与管理经验,不断适应社会需求,成为您最好的语言学习伙伴。
Our Teaching Method 愿达的教学方法
We adopt Functional-Communicative Approach as our training method. The Functional-Communicative method is the most mature and advanced training concept worldwide. It stresses that communication is the ultimate goal for learning a language, and good communication skills can only be acquired in a real and natural language environment. 愿达采用当今国际英语教学最成熟和先进的教学理论,即"功能-交际法"。功能-交际法认为语言学习的目的是交际,语言交际能力也只有通过真实自然的交际才能获得,才能真正克服聋哑英语。交际法还主张通过制造信息差,在课堂造成真实自然的交际需求,使学员自然开口,并在交际中不断改进自己的表达。交际法初期强调流利性(交际的有效性)而不是语法或语音的准确性。

Therefore, our teaching mandate is to create a natural and realistic English environment for students to use the language. We set very clear training objectives for each lesson and create actual needs for students to speak. Students learn to use English through such exciting activities as dialogues, role-plays, group discussions, case analyses, music, charades, etc. Our students enjoy every minute of learning. 因此,我们的英语课堂就是创造全英文的环境和真实自然的交际需求,使学员自然运用英语表达自己。我们为每一堂课设定了明确的培训目标,同时通过各种有趣的互动活动场景对话、短剧表演、小组讨论、案例分析、英语游戏等学习和感受运用英语的快乐。
Our Team我们的团队
We believe that RLC is your best choice, for we provide the best trainers and the best services.

All our trainers have excellent education and working backgrounds and a high sense of professionalism. Our foreign trainers are all native English speakers with standard accents. They have rich and varied training and business experience all over the world. They have acquired very strong intercultural understanding and expertise.
Primary Goals for Our Programs外语培训主要目标
1. Holistic and comprehensive English language skills development
2. Enhancing Cultural / intercultural awareness
3. General business, corporate and job-specific language learning



