新闻热词:扑杀 cull

时间:2008-07-25 08:58:10 来源:英语学习网站


请看中国日报网站消息:Local governments have culled about 500,000 poultry within a 3-kilometre radius of the outbreak sites to prevent the spread of the deadly virus.

Cull一词有“挑选;精选”的意思,如:to cull the best passages from the poet's works(丛这位诗人的作品种选出最佳段落)。报道中的cull专指“挑出(病弱动物;劣种)杀掉”、“扑杀”, 还可用作名词,a seal cull to reduce the population(剔除海豹予以杀戮以减少其种数量)。

Cull常用来表示“剔除”、“去除(杂质)”,例如:to cull the spoiled berries from each box(剔除各箱中的坏浆果);to choose the right and cull out the wrong(选择正确摒弃错误)。

