新闻热词:跨栏赛跑 hurdling

时间:2008-08-22 08:23:52 来源:英语学习网站


China's Liu Xiang says he is determined to defend his Olympic 110m hurdling crown at the 2008 Beijing Games and fired out a warning to his main rival.

"I really want to be champion at the Beijing Olympics," the 23-year-old told the Beijing Times, "I couldn't quite dare to say it before, but today I finally have the guts to come out and say it," he added.

报道中的hurdling(跨栏赛跑)也可写作hurdle(s),属于田径项目的一种,指“参赛者在赛跑时必须连贯性地跨过一系列轻便、可移动的障碍”,如:He places first in the 400meter low hurdles.(他在400米低栏中名列第一。)


He overcame many hurdles to become a lawyer.(他克服无数困难才成为一名律师。)

另外,hurdle在日常生活中也可作名词“障碍;难关”,如: brush hurdle(树篱);economic hurdles(经济障碍);the last hurdle before graduation(毕业前的最后一关)。

