新闻热词:清算人 liquidator

时间:2008-09-13 16:31:22 来源:英语学习网站


Shanghai Land Holdings Ltd was officially delisted from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEx) yesterday, marking the end of the troubled Shanghai property developer. Stephen Liu Yiu-keung and Yeo Boon-ann have been appointed as joint liquidators of the company, to implement the transactions outlined in the Settlement Deed.

报道中的liquidator指"清算人",即公司资产的清理人。如:representative liquidator(代理清算人)。与liquidator相关的liquidation指"(公司等的)停业清理,清算"、"(资产等的)变现"。例如,liquidation of fixed assets(固定资产的清理),liquidation sale(停业清理大拍卖)。

