
时间:2008-06-19 08:12:44 来源:英语学习网站
“布什政府是少数人治理、为少数人谋利益、只有少数人享有民主权利的政府”—— 美国前第一夫人希拉里·克林顿上周六对布什政府做了如上评述。


请看外电相关报道:Hillary Rodham Clinton criticized President Bush on Saturday as running a "government of the few, for the few and by the few."

"We need to begin by making college more affordable and accessible," she said. "I think we need to take on the student loan industry and send a clear message they will be held accountable for the way they treat and mistreat students and families."

报道中的“student loan”指的就是“助学贷款”,指国家为帮助贫困完成学业而发放的低利率贷款。

此外,我们常说的“助学金”可表达为“student grant”,在特定语境下,“student”可省去。相应的,动词词组“grant-aid”常用来指“政府给学校的公费补助、自助”。

