地震 tremors

时间:2008-09-30 09:16:58 来源:英语学习网站


The Sichuan provincial seismological bureau said more than 1,180 tremors up to six magnitude have been recorded as of 5:00 am on May 13.


In another badly-hit city of Mianzhu, which is less than 50 kilometers away from the quake epicenter, more than 1,000 people were reported dead and another 5,000 were buried as of 11:30 pm on Monday, according to the local government.


比如:tremor(A shaking or vibrating movement, as of the earth)就是“振动、颤动”的意思,earth tremor一般表示“轻微地震”。

magnitude(A measure of the amount of energy released by an earthquake, as indicated on the Richter Scale里氏震级中用以衡量地震强度的单位)就是“震级”,而epicenter(the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake)指的就是“地震中心”或“震中”。

除此之外,还有几个表达需要提一下,“地震波”可以是earthquake wave 或者seismic wave,后者是更为专业的说法;研究地震的学科叫做seismology(地震学);而地震之后的“余震”为aftershock

