
时间:2008-05-18 20:03:17 来源:英语学习网站


Eleven restaurants in a Hong Kong mall have responded to a call by green groups to start offering smaller-portion meals.

The restaurants in Olympican City take HK$1 ($0.12) off the bill if customers ask for less rice with their order.

According to the environment department of Hong Kong, leftovers account for a third of the region's solid waste. An earlier survey by an environmental group found that Hongkong residents left one third of the rice when eating out.


这里的“leftovers”指的就是“剩饭”。“Leftover”是一个统称,泛指一顿饭结束时剩下的东西。它还可以当形容词用,意为“剩下的”。如,Use any leftover meat to make a curry.(要是有剩肉就做咖喱菜。)

