
时间:2008-05-18 20:06:58 来源:英语学习网站


The total lunar eclipse, the second this year, will be visible in North and South America, especially in the West. People in Europe, Africa or the Middle East, who had the best view of the last total lunar eclipse in March, won't see this one because the moon will have set when the partial eclipse begins at 4:51 am EDT. The full eclipse will begin an hour later at 5:52 am EDT.


这里的“total lunar eclipse”说的就是月全蚀。月全蚀是自然界的一种现象,当太阳、地球、月球三者恰好或几乎在同一条直线上时(地球在太阳和月球之间),月亮全部走进地球的本影,就产生了月全蚀。

“Eclipse”是“日蚀”或“月蚀”的意思,加上修饰语“lunar”就是“月蚀”。另外,“月蚀”还可以说成“an eclipse of the moon”。以此类推,“日蚀”也就是“an eclipse of the sun”。

此外,“全蚀”和“偏蚀”分别叫做“a total eclipse”和“a partial eclipse”。

