
时间:2008-07-04 08:34:25 来源:英语学习网站


请看《中国日报》相关报道:A sharp rise in juvenile delinquency in China has prompted deputies of the cabinet to target China's widely criticized education system which stresses examinations and scores rather than creativity, saying a delay in education reform will cause an increase in juvenile crimes.

报道中的“juvenile delinquency”是法律术语“未成年人犯罪”,相应的,“juvenile delinquent”就是“少年罪犯”,即我们日常生活中所说的“少年犯”。

短语中的“juvenile”指“青少年”或“与青少年相关的”,如juvenile psychology(青少年心理学);juvenile behavior(幼稚的行为);juvenile mentality(少年心理)。

“Delinquency”在法律上专指“青少年犯罪”,日常生活中可用来形容“失职、疏忽、小过错”,如:The captain's delinquency led to the loss of the ship. (船长因失职而导致轮船沉没。)

