【走遍美国精讲笔记】第6课:感恩节 ACT 3 - 3

时间:2011-06-23 21:09:10 来源:英语学习网站

ACT 3-3 “你怎么猜出来的?”




Robbie: You know everyone, Alexandra.
Ellen: No, she doesn't know Harry Bennett and his daughter Michelle.
Alexandra: Nice to meet you.
Harry & Michelle: Hi.
Marilyn & Susan: Hello, Alexandra.
Alexandra: Hi, Marilyn. Hi, Susan. Happy Thanksgiving.
Ellen: And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie.
Robbie: Please sit down, Alexandra. Dad, Richard - Alexandra's here.
Richard: Michigan needs a touchdown. Three minutes to play. Hi, Alexandra. Welcome.
Philip: Hello, Alexandra. Yes, Michigan needs a touchdown. One tiny little touchdown, with just three minutes to play.
Alexandra: You want Michigan to win.
Philip: How'd you guess?
Ellen: And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie.

Ellen: What happened?
Philip: We forgot to turn the oven on.
Ellen: We did? Philip, why don't you go watch the last three minutes of the game? I will serve coffee and pumpkin pie.
Philip: OK. I'll be back in a few minutes.
Ellen: Robbie , would you bring the dessert plates? And, Marilyn, would you pour coffee, please?
Marilyn: Sure, Ellen.
Grandpa: How was your Thanksgiving dinner, Alexandra?
Alexandra: Just wonderful, Mr. Stewart. The Molinas are a large family. I love being with them.
Robbie: I'm glad you came by, Alexandra.
Alexandra: I am, too.
Philip: Touchdown!Touchdown! Touchdown!
Grandpa: Great Thanksgiving. Lots to be thankful for. Michigan scored a touchdown. Alexandra came by. And nobody misses Philip's famous apple pie.
Ellen: Oh, Grandpa!


1. And Alexandra brought us a pumpkin pie.
pumpkin pie: 南瓜派。南瓜派是传统的感恩节食品。

2. How'd you guess?
How'd在这里是How did的缩写。

3. We forgot to turn the oven on.
这里,Philip说"We" 显然是想少负点儿责任,而Ellen一句"We did?"就把他揭穿了。
turn on: 打开(灯、水龙头、煤气等)。
oven: 烘箱,烤箱。

4. Why don't you go watch the last three minutes of the game?


