疫苗接种 vaccine jab

时间:2010-01-29 13:03:05 来源:英语学习网站


Children aged from six to 35 months in China will get A/H1N1 fluvaccine jabs free of charge, according to a notice released by the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Thursday.


在上面的报道中,vaccine jab就是“疫苗接种”。Jab的意思是“皮下注射”。Jab也可以表示“刺,戳,捅”。例如:He gave me a jab with his finger.(他用手指戳我。)此外,jab还有“攻击,打击,刺激,刺痛”的意思。看一下例子:a personal jab at somebody(对某人的人身攻击);Although he made his remark in jest, the underlying jab was felt.(尽管他的话是开开玩笑,但仍可感到话里带的刺。)

“疫苗接种”也可以用vaccine injection、vaccine inoculation和vaccination来表示。通过疫苗接种可以获得acquired immunity(后天免疫)。但是接种疫苗有时候也可能会有adverse reaction(不良反应),尤其是给孕妇婴儿这样的sensitive groups(敏感群体)接种疫苗尤其要慎重。

