少量多餐学英语 VSI Kafka 20

1. The father bears the scar of a war wound on his thigh.
注意:①bear与scar的搭配。②我午饭在曹家渡新旺吃的是goose thigh——鹅(上海话叫“白乌龟”……)髀,要加多20蚊!

2. chide him for malingering
注意:①chide的同义词辨析,详见《韦氏大学》11版reprove条。chide、reprove都是语气缓和的,rebuke和reprimand则严厉。②工作偷懒,叫slack;磨洋工、开小差,英国口语用skive;磨洋工,美国口语叫goof off;工作不投入,是not pull one’s weight;压根不工作,是not do a stroke of work——《朗文活用》是宝书啊!

3. its blatant sexual character

4. The boy seems to have been castrated and feminized, perhaps rendered androgynous or removed from sexual differentiation.
注意:①render的用法。②译文“已”字,照应to have been。③androgynous里,andro-是“男性”,“-gyn(e)”是女性。想想polyandry和misogyny是什么意思。参考hermaphrodite——这词还要高大上,有爱神和爱马仕呢。


5. On his right side, in the region of the hip, a wound has opened up as big as the palm of my hand. Rose-red, in various shades, dark in the depths, paler towards the edges, finely grained, with blood welling unevenly, open like a mine at the surface. Thus from the distance. A closer look reveals a further complication. Who can set his eyes on that without whistling softly? Worms, as thick and long as my little finger, rose-red themselves and blood-spattered in addition, held fast in the depths of the wound, are wriggling with their little white heads and their numerous legs towards the light. Poor boy, you are past helping. I have found your great wound, this flower in your side is destroying you.
注意:①shades是“色度”,谓此腐肉之玫瑰红也有深浅之分。②finely-grained一词,令人作呕——密集物恐惧症(trypophobia)有木有!③welling unevenly让我想起趵突泉。④a mine at the surface应为“露天矿”。⑤Thus from the distance.指前面几句是有一定距离的观察,并非凑近了看(a closer look)。⑥be held/stuck fast是词组,fast是副词,意为“牢牢地”而非“快速地”。⑦you are past helping即“回天乏术”。⑧this flower in your side是your great wound的同位语。

Robertson, Ritchie. Kafka: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.