新闻热词:官方证明书 Clearance

时间:2008-09-16 15:28:56 来源:英语学习网站

3月9日,联想集团通过了美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)关于其收购IBM公司PC业务的审查,联想控股公司总裁柳传志显然松了一口气,并表示新联想有望在今年第二季度正式挂牌运营。外电报如下:Lenovo Group has obtained U.S. government clearance for the purchase of IBM's PC unit.

In response to national security concerns, IBM offered to tweak the deal, according to news reports. These tweaks included limiting Lenovo's access to U.S. government customers as well as physically sealing off buildings to be shared by the two companies.

The measures were requested by U.S. officials to limit the threat of industrial espionage. With the concessions in place, Lenovo has gained the necessary approval to go ahead with the deal.



