新词新译 #200 碳信用 carbon credit2010-04-11 21:24:44
碳信用 carbon credit The term, also known as carbon right, is a measuring unit of emissions in the carbon trading market. Nations or enterprises earn such credits by lifting efficiency of energy uti
新词新译 #199 洗具 comedy2010-04-11 21:23:35
洗具 comedy The word, literally meaning washing wares in Chinese, is a homophone of the word “comedy” in Chinese. It follows another similar usage of “cup ware” which is pron
新词新译 #198 裸官 nude official2010-04-11 21:21:57
裸官 nude official It refers to a government official whose spouse and children all live abroad permanently. To fight official corruption, Shenzhen City of Guangdong Province has decided such a &ldq
新词新译 #197 临时性 temporary rape2010-04-11 21:20:23
临时性 temporary rape The ironic phrase started from a court verdict that gave two former police assistants a lenient sentence of three years imprisonment for rape. The court in Zhejiang Province sa
新词新译 #196 绯闻股 star-studded share2010-04-11 21:18:46
绯闻股 star-studded share It refers to the Huayi Bros Media Group that was recently listed on the ChiNext, or the Chinese version of Nasdaq. The shareholders of the company are pop stars that are ne
新词新译 #195 冷知识 trivial knowledge2010-04-05 10:19:49
冷知识 trivial knowledge It refers to rarely known, but sometimes amusing, trivial facts, like there are more chickens than humans on earth, the YKK on the zipper stands for the initials of the worl
新词新译 #194 官二代 the second officer generation2010-04-05 10:18:10
官二代 the second officer generation The term, another word popular over the Internet after “the second rich generation” and “the second poor generation,” refers to children
新词新译 #193 病毒营销 viral marketing2010-04-05 10:16:52
病毒营销 viral marketing Viral marketing and viral advertising refer to using social networks such as the Internet to increase brand awareness or product sales through self-replicating viral proces
新词新译 #192 黄金粥 golden porridge2010-04-05 10:15:25
黄金粥 golden porridge The term, “golden porridge” in its literal meaning and pronounced the same as “golden week” in Chinese, replaces the original word for the golden holid
新词新译 #191 物联网 Internet of things2010-04-05 10:12:13
物联网 Internet of things The term has come to describe a number of technologies that enable the Internet to reach out to the real world of physical objects which incorporate installed chip technolo
新词新译 #190 春夏季 sprummer2010-04-03 21:26:20
春夏季 sprummer The term, developed by Australian scientist Tim Entwisle, is a combination of spring and summer together with another new word “sprinter” indicating an early spring. The
新词新译 #189 性格婚检 pre-marriage personality examinatio2010-04-03 21:24:31
性格婚检 pre-marriage personality examination The so-called “examination,” different from routine health checks before marriage registration, is designed to test whether the personalitie
新词新译 #188 特保案 special protection case2010-04-03 21:23:10
特保案 special protection case The decision by the United States government to impose tariffs on the import of tires from China is the latest example of seeking special protection of domestic enterp
新词新译 #187 分居恋人族 LATers2010-04-03 21:21:33
分居恋人族 LATers The term, an abbreviation of “live apart together,” refers to married couples who live apart but stay united and emotionally committed. This latest style of couple re
新词新译 #186 白菜价 low price2010-04-03 21:18:45
白菜价 low price The Chinese term literally means “cabbage price.” Cabbage is one of the cheapest vegetables in China so “cabbage price” means a very low price.杠杆女 lever
新词新译 #185 胡萝卜族 carrot-mobber2010-04-03 21:00:27
胡萝卜族 carrot-mobber Carrot-mobbers refer to consumers who team up to place big group orders to corporations and small businesses which are selling eco-friendly products. They choose to use their
新词新译:框计算/寂寞党/第一时间/印象分/青春饭/代扣族/楼花/豁胖/官博2009-08-23 18:00:57
框计算 frame computing The idea was promoted by Li Yanhong, CEO of Baidu.com, at a technology innovation meeting on August 18. It is a kind of Internet-based platform that can process and analyze in
新词新译:权二代/阿拉佛/活血库/掏空族/煮男/拆迁富/被时代/毒舌2009-08-23 17:59:24
权二代 the second powerful generation The term refers to a group of people whose privileges are based on their parents’ power or other useful networks, instead of fighting for a better living by th
新词新译:便当男/玩具男/优剩女/蹭凉族/监狱顾问/中药足球/软岗位/钓鱼短信/文字云2009-08-23 17:57:38
便当男 bento box man Since the global economic recession, some Japanese young men have weaned themselves off money-making dreams and adopted a thrifty lifestyle, cooking their own meals and bringing
新词新译:微博客/牛奋男/蛋糕裙/观音兵/小正太/怂女/夜蒲/塞友/绵羊音2009-08-23 17:55:58
微博客 micro-blogging Micro-blogging is a form of multimedia blogging that allows users to send brief text updates or micromedia such as photos or audio clips and publish them via mobile phones and
新词新译:婚活族/电脑狂暴症/失语/大股饭/挨踢人士/压力差/捏捏族/社交商2009-08-23 17:55:03
婚活族 marriage hunter/live-to-marry clan Some people live to marry: they will put themselves out to find a soul partner, including joining in all social activities within reach to mix with the oppo
新词新译:汉堡人才/凹地效应/赳客/家期/桑拿天/景观立法/挂马/裸体香烟/碳关税2009-07-23 20:59:42
汉堡人才 hamburger talent It refers to white-collar workers who suffer repeated setbacks in job hunting though they have a decent education and enough work experience. Their plight is like a hamburg
新词新译:蜗蜗族/倦鸟族/养狼计划/众包/过度引用/置顶/红颜知己/蓝颜知己/集智建房2009-07-18 11:27:49
蜗蜗族 snail clan It refers to young office workers who brave heavy work pressure at breakneck speed and let out their pent-up emotions in a timely manner with vigorous outdoor sport. They devote th
新词新译:A咖/师奶杀手/红毯杀手/控油瓶/暑运/米农/野鸡大学/火车座/樱花泡菜粉/眼缘2009-07-08 21:11:08
A咖 lead cast It means a leading actor in a movie or drama and “咖” is the transliteration of the English word "cast." It also refers to frontline showbiz pop stars.师奶杀手 middle-aged women kil
新词新译:海派清口/放心债/逆商/窜货/萌文化/残的/克莱登大学/大头症/人际泡沫2009-07-08 21:04:43
海派清口 Shanghai-style stand-up Shanghai-born stand-up comedian Zhou Libo made his unique one-man performance a huge success. Armed with wit, humor and knowledge, Zhou comments on many aspects of t
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