【走遍美国精讲笔记】第7课:人类最好的朋友 ACT 1 - 2

时间:2011-06-23 21:32:01 来源:英语学习网站

ACT 1-2 “听起来像是有只狗在叫。”




Robbie: I have to turn off the lights, or else my father will get really angry. He says I never turn them out when I leave. If they come home and they're on...
[He moves his index finger across his throat to show that his father will be angry. ]
Robbie: Do you hear something?
Alexandra: Yes. What was that?
Robbie: It sounded like a dog barking.
Alexandra: It sounded like a dog barking right here.
Robbie: Yeah.
[He opens the door. A dog is standing there. ]
Alexandra: A dog!
Robbie: A springer spaniel!Come on in! Make yourself at home.
Alexandra: Oh, you poor little thing. Come here.
Robbie: Come on.
Alexandra: Poor baby.
Robbie: Where did you come from?
Alexandra: [She looks at the dog's identification tag. ]Her name's Gemma, and she belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Levinson. There's a phone number - five five five... eight four four eight. Robbie, maybe you should call them and tell the Levinsons we have their cute little spaniel.
Robbie: I've always wanted a springer spaniel. She's so cute.
Operator: The number you are calling - 555-8448 - is no longer in service.
Robbie: The number's no longer in service.
Alexandra: Oh, you poor, poor baby. You've lost your family.
Robbie: We'll find them. Don't worry, Alexandra.


1. I have to turn off the lights, or else my father will get really angry.
turn off the lights: 关灯,闭灯。也可以说"turn out the lights"。
or else: 要不然,否则。相当于"if not",用来说明后果。
get angry: 生气,发怒;变得生气。这里"get"的意思是“变成,成为”,用在形容词前或修饰形容词的副词之前时常有这种含义。

2. If they come home and they're on...
they're on: 在这里指灯还亮着。句型to be on中的on表示正在持续的一种状态。

3. It sounded like a dog barking.
sound like: 声音好像很熟悉,听起来像是...

4. Make yourself at home.

5. Oh, you poor little thing.

6. I've always wanted a springer spaniel.
I've always wanted... : 我一直想要。这句话用的是现在完成时。这一时态表示发生过或直到现在还在进行的事,侧重与现在的关系。
springer spaniel: 史宾格犬,一种长毛垂耳猎狗

7. The number you are calling - 555-8448 - is no longer in service.
no longer in service: 不再使用,(电话)空号。


