【走遍美国精讲笔记】第8课:早日康复 ACT 1 - 1

时间:2011-07-08 21:20:14 来源:英语学习网站

ACT 1-1 “我知道你能够处理好这件事。”


一天上午,在Philip工作的劳伦斯医院,Philip医生和他的护士Molly Baker正在工作。Philip要为一个叫Carl的小患者安排一个手术,他希望Molly帮他调整一下工作日程。

Philip: Molly, I need your special talent for handling special matters.
Molly: Like what special matters?
Philip: Well, I have a scheduling problem.
Molly: Yes?
Philip: I have three tonsillectomies set for Friday with Dr. Earl.
Molly: Yes?
Philip: I need to fit a fourth operation into his schedule. And… I know you can do it.
Molly: Who's the patient?
Philip: Carl Herrera. The boy has infected tonsils, and we should remove them as soon as possible.
Molly: Well, I'll try to arrange the schedule, Dr. Stewart. But it's not going to be easy.
Philip: I know you'll be able to take care of it.
[Molly shakes her head and laughs.]


1. I need your special talent for handling special matters.
talent: 与生俱来的才能,天资。
handle: 处理。意思相当于”take care of”。

2. Like what special matters?
“Like what…?” 这是一种极口语化的说法,用于请对方详细说明某事的时候。也可只说Like what?

3. I have three tonsillectomies set for Friday with Dr. Earl.
have…set for Friday: 在星期五有…约定,把…(的时间)定在星期五。这里set是过去分词。
tonsillectomy: 扁桃腺切除术。

4. I need to fit a fourth operation into his schedule.
schedule: 日程安排,工作安排。

5. The boy has infected tonsils, and we should remove them as soon as possible.
have infected tonsils: 患扁桃腺感染。动词have表示生某种病,患某种病。
as soon as possible: 尽快,越快越好。

6. I know you'll be able to take care of it.

