
趣味短语:有人私下告诉我 Little bird told me2011-04-23 20:24:44
Little bird told me【英文解释】refuse to disclose the source of one's information【中文解释】有人私下告诉我【短语来源】refuse to disclose the source of one's information This has gradually evolved, r
趣味短语:袋鼠法庭 kangaroo court2011-04-22 21:36:50
kangaroo court【英文解释】irregular court, especially one held by striking workers to punish breaches of their rules.【中文解释】[贬]“袋鼠法庭”(私设的公堂或非正规的法庭,多用于惩罚同伙者)
趣味短语:杂而不精的人 jack of all trades2011-04-22 21:35:08
jack of all trades【英文解释】person who does a variety of work.【中文解释】能做多种不同工作的人;杂而不精的人【短语来源】Jack is a familiar, affectionate or diminutive version of John, perhaps the co
趣味短语:如果言之中肯,就接受吧 If the cap fits2011-04-22 21:34:03
If the cap fits【英文解释】If sb's words are right, then accept them.【中文解释】字面意思:如果帽子合适,就带上吧。 引申意思:如果言之中肯,就接受吧。【短语来源】If the cap fits, wear it has been aro
趣味短语:二流演员 ham actor2011-04-22 21:33:13
ham actor【英文解释】an unskilled actor who overacts【中文解释】二流演员【短语来源】Ham is an abbreviation of the American "hamfatter", an ineffective actor(1887). The idea may have been that hamfat w
趣味短语:行动计划 game plan2011-04-22 21:31:53
game plan【英文解释】plan of action【中文解释】行动计划【短语来源】This expression originated in American football, used to describe a strategy for winning, worked out in advance. It dates from at lea
趣味短语:面对现实 face the music2011-04-21 20:59:00
face the music【英文解释】face the consequence of one's actions, especially punishment【中文解释】承担后果,面对现实,面对不愉快的局面【短语来源】In the mid-19th century this meant to meet a test with
趣味短语:目光炯炯的 eagle-eyed2011-04-21 20:57:29
eagle-eyed【英文解释】very keen sighted【中文解释】眼里敏锐的,目光炯炯的【短语来源】 Legend has it that the eagle has the sharpest eyesight of all birds. When its sight grows dull with age it flies u
趣味短语:无能的cack-handed2011-04-21 20:56:53
cack-handed【英文解释】clumsy, inept; left-handed【中文解释】愚笨的,无能的,不称职的;左撇子的【短语来源】 The word cack is an Old English word for excrement or dung. Cachus was Old English for a pri
趣味短语:老古董 back number2011-04-21 20:54:53
back number【英文解释】A person or thing that is no longer of importance or use.【中文解释】过期刊物,老古董,落伍之人【短语来源】 Refer to an out-of date or back copy of a newspaper or magazine.因为b
趣味短语:名褒实贬 damn with faint praise2011-04-21 20:54:10
damn with faint praise【英文解释】express disapproval by praising inadequately【中文解释】名褒实贬,用轻微的赞扬进行贬低【短语来源】A quotation from Alexander Pope's critical portrait of Joseph Addiso
趣味短语:A1啥意思?2011-04-20 21:17:45
A1【英文解释】in first-class condition【中文解释】第一等的,一流的【短语来源】A borrowing from the register of shipping maintained by Lloyd's of London, the insurance market, from the 18th century onw
趣味短语:绞尽脑汁 Rack one's brains2011-04-20 21:10:51
Rack one's brains【英文解释】make great mental effort (to remember something, think of a solution, etc.)【中文解释】思前想后,绞尽脑汁【短语来源】Literally, to stretch one's brains on the rack, an ins
趣味短语:走向毁灭 Rack and ruin2011-04-20 21:10:05
Rack and ruin【英文解释】destruction; destitution【中文解释】走向毁灭;陷于灭亡【短语来源】Rack here is a variant of the archaic 'wrack', now 'wreck'.这里的rack,是wrack的另一种写法,wrack是古英语中的
趣味短语:普通成员 Rank and file2011-04-20 21:06:32
Rank and file【英文解释】the main body of members of an organisation, excluding officials, leaders, etc【中文解释】民众,老百姓,普通成员【短语来源】In parade-ground terminology a rank is a line of tr
趣味短语:倾盆大雨 Rain cats and dogs2011-04-20 21:03:43
Rain cats and dogs【英文解释】rain very heavily【中文解释】倾盆大雨【短语来源】Of many explanations the most popular is that cats and dogs used to drown as a result of heavy rainfall on medieval towns
各类店铺的英文词汇2011-01-11 17:26:25
有关easy的趣味短语2011-01-09 11:39:28
Easy这个单词正如它本身的意思,可以说是很简单,大家一定都认识,但是你知道吗,easy还有很多相关的短语哦。比如easy touch,你知道是什么意思吗?哈哈,不晓得了吧。今天我们就来学习关于easy的有趣短语!
各种糖的英文名称2010-12-21 14:05:56
130句美国谚语2010-12-02 21:29:53
“得到”的多种表达2010-11-26 11:01:08
你知道这些horse相关的短语吗?2010-11-26 11:00:42
如此绚丽多姿的英语感叹词2010-11-22 20:47:22
不要错过零食包装袋上的英语单词2010-11-20 20:17:26
“价格”表达花样多多2010-11-18 12:40:54